Voices in Leadership

A library of recommended leadership & personal growth voices aligned with Reach for Your Best's Amplify + Multiply Leadership Lens
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What Makes a Leader? – Daniel Goleman

The chief components of emotional intelligence—self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill—can sound unbusinesslike, but… found direct ties between emotional intelligence and measurable business results.

How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team – Amy Edmondson

Look to your left, look to your right. How quickly can you find the unique talents, skills and hopes of your neighbor, and how quickly, in turn, can you convey what you bring?
Because for us to team up to build the future we know we can create that none of us can do alone.

7 Popular Coaching Models – SOCO

When coaching is effective, team members become more autonomous and self-sufficient… coaching empowers the individual to take ownership of necessary actions.

Choosing Optimism – Pete & Jen

living in a fantasy world is disregarding reality because it's more convenient for you to do that. But being an optimist is believing that a better future is possible.Pete & Jen on The Long and The Short of it Podcast at The Long and The Short of It

The Art of the Elevator Pitch – Carmine Gallo

If you can’t communicate your pitch in one short sentence, don’t give up… Be patient. Once you master the logline, you will be able to easily clarify your ideas and help the audience retain, remember, and act on them.